We make stupid jokes about how one of us was either adopted or picked up from the streets

“We make stupid jokes about how one of us was either adopted or picked up from the streets”

There’s no greater feeling than one with your sister. Aside the fun of hanging out together, there’s always that feeling of being responsible for someone else. The love is unfathomable, having a gossip partner, a playmate, a partner in crime, who stands up for you and looks out for you every time.  And yes, the free clothes, I practically live in my sister’s wardrobe, stealing clothes she refused to give me after I have politely asked for them.

We have our own language, yes, we do, sign language, body language, eye language whatever form of language there is, we’ve got ours.  We can easily telepath and exchange information without opening our mouths. We are glued together when attending family functions where we do not know any other person or would rather avoid some people. My sister is my forever money lender, though I never pay back.

Beauty tips will always fly around; I am tired of teaching her about carving eyebrows. (She just never gets it) We make stupid jokes about how one of us was either adopted or picked up from the streets. When we fight, we swear never to talk to each other again, next thing we are gisting about the neighbours.

P.S: And did I mention our off-key singing skills? It’s badder than bad.

I love my sister, she’s bae.

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