3 Interesting Sibling Rules

Siblings have many unspoken rules which are held true and dear. These rules bind them together and surprisingly, these rules are universal; irrespective of nationality, ethnicity, sex or even race, no legislature was constituted to make these rules and so there is no judiciary to enforce the rules, except when parents decide to interfere with “siblings affairs”.

Breaking some of these rules can cause friction between the siblings or even unprecedented challenges for the family at large. These rules are much different from the rigid and authoritative laws instituted and imposed by parents to govern sibling’s behavior. In fact, some of these sibling rules are laughable and sometimes even shocking.

Let’s consider a few of them…

The first rule dictates how siblings view their personal belongings and properties that belongs to the other siblings. The rules states; “my possession is mine; your possession is ours”.

What does this bizarre rule mean?

In the world of siblings, no one is allowed to “touch” let alone “use” what belongs to any else, especially without the consent of the owner. Siblings don’t like to share personal effects such as clothes, shoes, bags, perfumes, computers and so on but can be shared as long as the owner doesn’t know. Siblings are known to “accidentally borrow or use” other sibling’s stuffs. As one of 4 children, I remember getting annoyed when my sister uses my perfume but I usually sneak into her room to borrow her lipstick and earrings when she’s not around. Theirs is a profound bliss knowing I have “unknowingly” used her lipstick and haven’t be caught because I know she will give me hell for using it.

We all borrow things from each other to use and the key factor to co-use of personal belongings is mutual respect and care of each other’s stuffs. Since no one is above the rule, you ought to seek due permission to use your sister/brother’s things and if they say no, then you “unknowingly” borrow it as what is theirs is yours too by virtue of being siblings. In most situation, no belonging is off limit.

The second sibling rule has to do with fighting a common enemy. Siblings emboldens the adage that states “An enemy of my friend, is my enemy”. This doesn’t only happen in movies, it does in real life. The beauty of Siblinghood and teamwork is spotlighted when siblings are engaged with an apparent common enemy or threat.

Isn’t it amazing that siblings who sometimes have some yin and yang relationship can form quick and powerful synergies to defend each other from external threats in School or any public setting?

Siblings may disagree and not see eye to eye, but when “moments that matter” arises, they’re willing to go the extra mile or break protocols, just to obey this rule of siblinghood. It is empowering to know your siblings has your back when push turns to shove.

An elder sibling may be harsh or tough on the younger siblings but no external entity is allowed the same courtesy without repercussions.

Lastly, there is a rule that speaks to division of chores amongst Siblings.

By this rule, every sibling from the first to the last must have defined chores either allocated by the parents or self-chosen by the siblings through a cumbersome process. Many parents have learnt the lesson the hard way and are thus compelled to divide the chores amongst siblings for peace and order to reign.

Sometimes siblings will take the initiative to almost automatically divide chores amongst themselves whether the parents intervene or not. The eldest child is tasked with the function of dividing tasks without partiality or favoritism while the other siblings will either complain or simply “comply” with the sharing formula. Usually, the second child will try to disagree with the chores shared which gives others the impetus to “complain”.

In other words, the rule states; Don’t be the pushover, every sibling try to do the least of the task.


In conclusion, we almost cannot exhaust the myriad of interesting rules that bind siblings together. Irrespective of position, all siblings are answerable to these rules, but then some siblings have devised ways to “bend” these rules without having to “break” them.

Which of the sibling’s rules, stood out for you? Let’s talk!

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